Requesting Catering - FBO Users

Request catering and receive a confirmation electronically from your preferred provider

This article is for users of the FBO tool. Looking for something else? → Requesting Catering - Operator Users

This guide shows how to request catering and receive a confirmation electronically from your preferred catering provider.

  1. Select the checklist item for catering within the reservation

  2. Begin the booking process by selecting 

  3. Select the Catering provider from the list of available caterers.

  4. On the catering order screen you will find:

    • Delivery Address will automatically pre-fill to the FBO or you can search for an alternate delivery address.
    • Delivery Date is pre-set to match the aircraft's departure and the Delivery Time defaults to 2 hours before the ETD. Date and Time of delivery are customizable.
    • Select appropriate label for whom the catering request is for: Crew & Pax, just Crew or just Pax.
    • Select Payment Method from drop down list (optional).

  1. Click View Menu to pull up the Caterer's menu for an idea of what they offer.

  2. Easily attach any associated documents into the request by selecting  

  3. Use the below field to begin entry of items to be included in the Catering Request.

    • Food Item - Place the name of the first item of the order in this field. 
      • Note: Type ahead will generate available options for easy selection of field entry. Some drop down options will generate helpful ordering instructions notes to assist user with the Preparation Notes field.

    • Preparation Notes - Utilize this field to enter specific details about the item being ordered. 
      • Example: When ordering a sandwich box lunch, specify sandwich meat, choice of cheese, type of bread, lettuce, tomato, onions, mayo or mustard. Also specify side item of fruit, chips, pasta or potato salad and dessert selection of cookie or brownie.

    • Quantity - Utilize Quantity to note the number of items or servings being ordered. 
      • Note: Quantity automatically defaults to 1.

    • Unit - Unit automatically generates when any drop down available options are selected for an item. When standard item options are not selected, the unit defaults to each.

    • Request Notes - Use this field for entry of any special requests you need the caterer to be notified of regarding the entire order. Standard Notes can be utilized when selected. 
      • Example: Extra setups are required, microwave/oven heat only.

  4. Select when item entry is complete. Once Add is selected, next line item field will display for entry.

  5. Once you have your catering order complete,  you have the option to select which allows you to build up the order early, save and then come back to update it prior to submitting to the vendor or .

  6. Submitted Catering Request will display “In Progress” until the caterer changes the Fulfillment status. 

 Note"In Progress"  Catering requests will display in the Watchlist until confirmed by the provider. 

  1. The caterer’s change to the Fulfillment status will reflect accordingly within FlightBridge.

Continue to the next topic: Requesting Limo Services

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Last updated by Lindsey Bender (admin)

Updated at June 3rd, 2020