Airport Notes - Operator Users

Add arrival and departure notes to specific airports and easily view them on the Trip Checklist

Arrival and departure airport notes can be used for a variety of reasons such as easily referencing a preferred caterer on departure, phone number for Customs and Immigration on arrival, etc. Follow the steps in this guide to setup these notes and learn how to view them at time of arranging services.

Alert: The ability to add or edit Airport Notes is only accessible by Operator Users with admin permissions. 


Add and Edit Airport Notes

  1.  Access Setup > Airport Notes from the blue menu bar.

  2. Click +Add New Airport Note to add a new note or click on an existing note to edit it.

  3. Click Save once completed.

View Airport Notes

Airport notes can be easily referenced from the Trip Checklist view. You can access this view one of two ways, from the Trip Listing view or from the Schedule view.

Trip Listing

Locate the trip you are working on and to the right of it, click on Actions > View Trip Checklist.

Schedule View

On the blue menu bar access Trips > Schedules, open the schedule and click on the appropriate leg on the schedule.

The Airport Notes will be visible at the top of the Trip Checklist and can be referenced when booking services such as catering, ground transportation, hotels, etc.

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Last updated by Monica Kacperczyk (admin)

Updated at May 22nd, 2024