Trip / Schedule Sharing - Operator and FBO Users

Operators may auto share their schedules with FlightBridge using FBOs

Operators or FBOs may request to activate the Trip Sharing feature to auto send / receive schedules between Operators and FlightBridge using FBOs. This is most commonly used between Operator tenants and their home base FBO.

Key Benefits to Trip / Schedule Sharing:

  • FBOs have real time up to date information on departures, arrivals and services pre-arranged
  • Operators do not have to manually generate notifications of new trips or trip changes
  • Eliminates emails for CSRs to sort through when several subsequent trip changes are made


Both the operator and FBO must agree to activate trip / schedule sharing, as email notifications will no longer be generated. 

Operators shall confirm that home base airports are properly set for all aircraft prior to activation.



Operators will see the Request Status = Shared and Fulfillment Status = Requested to indicate that Departure and Arrival details have been shared with the FBO. The option to Edit the order will be available if you wish to manually send the notification to include any additional requests.


The FBO will see the reservation appear in yellow on their schedule view to indicate a new or updated departure or arrival from a linked operator account. 


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Last updated by Jessica Hannigan (admin)

Updated at July 24th, 2024