The "Convert to Outside Booking" feature allows you to modify the details of any Hotel or Rental Car booking made within FlightBridge.
This feature is useful when modifications to the booking were made directly with the provider and now the details need to be updated or the status marked as canceled within FlightBridge. For example, when dates have changed on your trip and you are already within the penalty period for cancelling your reservations. You may call the hotel directly to modify the check-in/check-out dates and then use the "Convert to Outside Booking" feature within FlightBridge to display the information accordingly.
Convert Hotel Booking
- To access, first find the reservation and click on the confirmation number.
- Next, locate the Utilities menu (the Gear icon) and select Convert to Outside Booking.
- Select Yes on the confirmation message that appears.
- The outside booking screen will appear where you can now edit the details of the booking. If you wish to mark as cancelled, you must first Save at this step to return to the dashboard.
- On the hotel booking dashboard, you can select the converted booking and click Cancel booking(s) to reflect accordingly within FlightBridge.
Convert Rental Car Booking
To access, first check the box next to the name of the driver on the rental booking you wish to convert, then click Modify reservation.
- Next, locate the Utilities menu (the Gear icon), click and select Convert to Outside Booking.
- Select Yes on the confirmation message that appears.
- The outside booking screen will open all of the fields where you can edit the details of the booking or simply Save to subsequently edit the status to show as canceled.
- Once the booking is converted to "outside", you can click Cancel reservation to reflect accordingly within FlightBridge.