Hotel Partial Booking - Operator Users

Same Room Type may not be available for all guests on multi-guest hotel booking

FlightBridge will display hotel availability on the hotel search page based on the number of guests, hotel room nights and check in / check out dates specified. Due to high demand and constantly changing availability, the same room type may not always be available for all guests upon booking.

In the example below, we have five crew members arriving in PBI during spring break season for a check in 4/11 and check out 4/12. There are plenty of properties displaying availability for 5 rooms.

When we begin booking, we select the desired room type, ensure payment method is entered, check the cancellation policy and click to complete the booking.

In a case where properties in this location are in high demand, there may not be five of the same room type available for a multi-guest booking. You will see the message below that indicates you may continue with a partial booking (only two rooms of this type) and then make another room type selection for the remaining guests. Or you may choose to select Do Not Book and try another room type or another property for all of your guests. 

If you select "Book 2 Rooms (Partial Booking)", you will see the confirmation numbers display for the guest bookings that were successful and you will remain on the hotel booking page to select another room type to proceed with the remaining bookings.
Once all bookings have been successfully completed, you will be returned to the hotel dashboard where you can view the confirmed hotel bookings for all five crew members. 

If you select "Do Not Book," you will be remain on the hotel booking page with warnings that your guests' bookings have not been completed. You may then select another room type to try to book all guests under the same room type.

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Last updated by Jessica Hannigan (admin)

Updated at April 7th, 2023