Sharing Preferences - Operator Users

Operator Administrators can select to omit services booked for pax and/or crew in FBO notifications

For confidentiality, Operators may want to omit some services from being transmitted to the FBO when sending an arrival notification.  Operator Administrators may now set these company wide sharing preferences under the Setup menu.

Add / Edit Sharing Preferences

From the Setup menu, select Sharing Preferences

Select Add Rule to create a new rule, or click the more menu  and select Edit to update existing rules

Select the Order Type, then passenger crew or both for traveler type and save.

Notifying the FBO with Sharing Preferences Applied

Previously, when creating a new FBO notification, all services booked would automatically be passed along to the FBO with the notification:

With the new rule added, the system will omit the passenger hotel bookings on the FBO notifications.

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Last updated by Jessica Hannigan (admin)

Updated at May 9th, 2022