To access company preferences, go to Setup > Company Preferences.
General Company Preferences
The top most section allows administrators to set company preferences, limitations and display options related to various booking modules. Hover over the question mark icon to see a description of each preference setting.
Trip search date range - this will always default to 90 days unless edited by a user. Busy flight departments may want to decrease the range to make the default trip listing more manageable.
Rudy's and ASN Customer Number - If your company has an account with Rudy's / ASN, enter your customer number to link your orders to your account by default through our direct connect ordering system.
Hotel Rate Warning Threshold limitations may be added to alert administrators when a user books a hotel over the set threshold amount.
Hide Placeholder legs - check the box if you want to suppress layover, training, standby, etc. legs from the trip listing where departure airport = arrival airport.
Default pax/crew Nationality will set the default for each traveler profile for the rental booking dashboard. This can be edited for individuals within the traveler profile settings.
Default FAR Part # - can be set to default all legs to a specific FAR part. This can be edited within the trip editor, or overwritten by accounts with scheduling integration where FAR is passed per leg.
Send Calendar Entries to pax/crew for - Order Notification has moved to a designated section beneath the menu selection settings.
Preferred Caterer and Car Service provider
The next six preference settings control default selections on the FBO notification. Check the box to share pax/crew loyalty information with the FBO if you intend to request that an FBO book services for your travelers on your behalf. Check the share manifest boxes for departure and arrival for pax or crew or both, if you want to allow the FBO to see the names of your travelers (and the loyalty info if you have selected the previous box). Add a default pullup lead time in minutes if you regularly request a specific pullup time. Any of these default settings may be overridden within the FBO order.
Accounts payable email address may be added as a CC email for all invoice notifications.
Trip Confirmation Sheet Preferences
Select the check boxes to include crew and passenger names, FBO order details, catering details, and other order details in your trip confirmation summary reports.
Exclude Service Request Type from Menus
Menu selection items on the Add Arrival Service and Add Departure Service drop downs on the trip legs can be customized here. For example, catering is very infrequently booked on arrival, so selection of arrival for catering will exclude that item from displaying on the Add Arrival Service Menu. The menu on the service buttons on the schedule view will update with these settings also.
Manage Calendar Entries for Pax/Crew
Designate when to send a calendar entry and order details by different order types. Send Calendar Entries to pax/crew for - Order Notification will be selected by default and all order types will be selected by default. This will allow travelers to receive order confirmations upon booking whenever the calendar icon is checked at the time of booking or set within the profile. You can also select Leg Notification to generate confirmation of all bookings per leg, or none to suppress any confirmation emails from generating.
Manage Order CC Email Addresses
Add an email address to receive a copy of the confirmation for each of the order types listed. You may also add a CC email into a specific traveler profile to receive an email copy of any orders generated for that traveler. This CC email will receive a copy of each order generated for all travelers for the booking type specified.