Cancellations to Airline Bookings
Booked within the past 24 hours
Booked more than 24 hours ago
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Cancellation within 24 hours of booking
Cancellation of airline bookings can be done in FlightBridge within 24 hours of booking completion. Click the confirmation number to access booking details.
When the status is updated to ticketed, you will see a Void this Booking button under the payment information.
Click the button and on the pop up window, click Yes, void booking to confirm. This will cancel the booking with the airline.
Cancellation after 24 hours of booking
If the airline reservation was cancelled directly with the Airline, you can update the status in FlightBridge. To reflect this change, click on the status button, then select Mark as Cancelled. A window will open with a warning advising you that this does not cancel your reservation, it is only for record keeping.
You may then click Yes, mark as Cancelled to update the status if you have already confirmed the cancellation with the airline.
Changes to Airline Bookings
To make changes to commercial airline tickets booked via FlightBridge, we suggest voiding and rebooking the reservation (if you are still in the void window) to avoid additional fees.
If the ticket is past the void window, please contact FlightBridge Support at (404) 835-5600. If the change is of an urgent nature occurring after-hours or on the weekends, our phone tree option will route you to our partner company, Travel Leaders Corporate, for assistance at an additional fee.