FBOs can create custom checklist items to quickly add the the requested aircraft services that are unique to their FBO.
Begin by reviewing the FBO Standard Checklist associated with a reservation by selecting from the menu bar. Identify the items that best fit the services offered and requested at your FBO.
Request Checklist Item Customization
- Email your checklist customization requests (additions, removals or relabeling) to support@flightbridge.com.
- Include the below setting options on your emailed checklist customization request:
Sort Order - List the requested checklist items in the sort order preference you would like for them to display on all new reservations
Display setting on main Concierge Schedule Screen - Each checklist item is set to display on the Arrival, Departure, or both (Arrival and Departure) portion of the aircraft reservation on the main Concierge Schedule Screen.
Below is a listing of our standard checklist items applied to each FBO Company setup. The default display setting of Arrival, Departure or Both (Arrival and Departure) is listed next to each checklist item. Please review and advise if any of the display settings need to be changed, and be sure to advise the preferred display setting for any new checklist items you request.
Hotel - Arrival
Catering - Departure
Car Rental - Arrival
Arrival Limo - Arrival
Departure Limo - Departure
Fuel - Arrival
Hangar - Arrival
GPU - Departure
Dishes - Departure
Linens - Departure
CIP - Departure
Lav - Departure
Water - Departure
Conf Room - Arrival
Other (Arrival) - Arrival
Other (Departure) - Departure
Payment - Departure
FlightBridge TV - Let us know if there are any checklist items that you would like to add/remove from your FlightBridge TV display when they are selected within a reservation.
Checklist items visible to Operators and Pilots - Certain checklist items can be hidden from being visible to Operator and Pilot users submitting reservation requests for your FBO. Please advise which checklist items you would like to be visible to Operators and Pilots on the reservation selection screens and in what sort order.
Click here to learn more about reservations submitted to your FBO by Operators and Pilots →
Creating a Reservation - Pilot Users
'Make a Reservation' Button - FBO Users
Default Payment checklist Status - You can request to have the Payment checklist item status default to "Not Started" when creating an new reservation.
Sort Order - List the requested checklist items in the sort order preference you would like for them to display on all new reservations