Requesting Car Services - Operator Users

Request a car service and receive a confirmation electronically from your preferred provider

This article is for users of the Operator tool. Looking for something else? → Requesting Limo Services - FBO Users

This guide shows how to request a car service and receive a confirmation electronically from your preferred car service provider.

  1. Start on the Active and Upcoming Trip screen by clicking   or  (depending on your traveler's needs) and selecting Car Service.

  2. If you're working from your main Schedule View, select your leg and click Add Car Service.

  3. Select a company from the list of available Car Service providers.

  4. Complete the following required fields for Vehicle and Passengers on the Car Service request screen:

    • Vehicle Type
    • Number of Passengers
    • First and Last Name if using an alias or select accordingly from the Lead Passenger Drop Down list when applicable

Optional Fields:

  • Utilize the drop down list for Payment Method
  • Select Oversized Luggage and/or Child Seat Options as needed
  • Easily attach any associated documents into the request by selecting
  • Add the traveler's mobile phone number for the car service provider to utilize for direct contact

  1. Complete and verify the below required fields for Pickup Information on the Car Service request screen:

    • Pickup Address defaults to the FBO address however, a different location can be applied by utilizing the "Search for an address field." (Designation addresses are easily verified with google maps type-ahead integration.) Select  to update the selected address if needed.
    • Pickup Date and Time:
      • Arrival Limo Reservations - Pickup Date and Time are pre-set to match the aircraft's scheduled arrival date and time.
      • Departure Limo Reservations - Pickup Date is preset to match the aircraft's scheduled departure date. Pickup time defaults to 1 hour before the ETD. Date and Times are customizable if date and times differ from the pre-set.
    • Select to schedule multiple destination stops to be included in the requested transport. (Note field is available to list any notes regarding the the additional stop at the destination entered.)

Alert: Next destination entry is recommended, but is not required. If next address is not specified and the request is "As directed" please specify the approximate number of hours you will need the driver within the Special Instructions field. 

Optional Fields:

  •   is selected as a default, but can be unselected if the traveler does not approve for the Limo provider to wait if time differs from original schedule
  • Duration of Hours anticipated for the scheduled transport stops can be entered in hours within the associated available field 
  • Select  to see drive time and route preview
  •  Utilize  to remove/delete a previously entered stop
  •  Special Instructions field available for any notes that pertain to the entire request
  •  option is available. If selected, you are able to change the provider for the request. However, any changes you have made to the request will be lost. (Pop up verification will display to confirm proceeding with the change of provider)

  1. Select to send the request to the Car Service provider to review.

  2. The submitted Car Service request will display "In Progress" until the provider changes the fulfillment status.

Note"In Progress"  limo requests will display in the Watchlist until confirmed by the provider.  

  1. The Car Service provider's change to the Fulfillment status will reflect accordingly within FlightBridge.

Continue to the next topic: Notifying an FBO →

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Last updated by Lindsey Bender (admin)

Updated at July 22nd, 2021