FlightBridge makes it easy for Operators to save valuable time, reduce errors in data entry and increase efficiency by activating integrations with our software integration partners.
Trip related services can be booked with limited data entry by integrating with many of the most common scheduling, flight following and charter sourcing systems. Basic trip information and crew and passenger profiles will be auto generated through the integration and will display on your trip listing. Profile information is stored and auto-populates on booking screens to make bookings quick and easy.
Below is a list of our software integration partners. Use the links to access information on how to activate integration with your existing FlightBridge account, or reach out to our support team for more information on how to get started.
- Airplane Manager
- Avianis
- Avinode Trip Manager
- CharterEasy
- Charter and GO
- FlightAware
- FltPlan.com
- FlyEasy
- Horizon - coming soon!
- JetInsight
- Jet Rebellion
- Leon - coming soon!
- LevelFlight
- myairops flight
- MySky
- PFM | Professional Flight Management
- Schedaero
- Skylegs
- Stack.aero
- Stellar Marketplace
- TripPlanning.biz
- Veryon